
SKU: Diy Category: Tags: ,


We offer you a basic set of a house-catamaran, with a large floor surface, at an attractive price.

All the components have been designed in such a way that after the assembly they can be transported on a typical lorry trailer.

The aluminium structure of the floats and the framework weigh approx. 2200 kilograms, and thus make a solid base for further development.

The walls, the roof and the floor are made in our company employing the sandwich method.

At the thickness of 80 millimetres we achieve great thermal insulation with a very low mass. The frameless construction makes the assembly easy and guarantees the durability of all connections.

Finally, there are windows in frames made of light aluminium alloys, painted a colour of your choice.

This set enables a potential buyer to build his own, individual and unique houseboat (optionally with our help, at the customer’s request).


The set includes: ​

  • hull
  • walls
  • roof
  • floor
  • window.



Total length with engine: 12,950 m
Total length of the hull: 11,900 m
Maximum breadth: 4,500 m
Hull draught: 0,45 m
Approximate empty weight: 5800 kg
Height above CWL: 3,75 m
Total height: 4,20 m
Number of passengers: 12
Outboard engine: 40-60 HP
Fuel tank: 108 l
Water tank: 350 l
Gray water tank: 175-350 l
Floor surface with terraces: 90 m²
Living area: 40 m²